AWH Special college, Calicut

The department of social work offers courses for graduation and post graduation for a career in social works. The career opportunities are in the areas like rural and the urban community development, hospitals, family counseling, school social work, child welfare and administration of NGOs. The department offers excellent opportunities for students to incorporate working experience into their course curriculum.

MSW's are the most wanted skilled persons; especially in professionally managed Non Governmental Organizations (NGO), training institutions, counseling centres, autonomous bodies, Panchayath institutions etc, and in implementation of projects- UNESCO, UNICEF, WORLD BANK, WHO etc. Abundant job opportunities exist for the holders of MSW in the country and abroad.

Specialisations Offered:
  • Community Development
  • Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
Addrress for communication
Department of Social Work
AWH Special College
21/10, Kallai P O
Kozhikode District

Phone: +91- 0495 - 2323195 Ext: 101
email :